
July 30th- new heights

I'm really over caffeinated right now. Here's a photo of this place I biked past.

Here's another photo that was taken very close to place I took the initial photo.

This was taken at an altitude of eight-thousand feet. For some reason, at this exact height I start to feel altitude sickness. I get spinny, and numb, and nervous. We were going to climb to the top of whatever landmass we were set to climb, and couldn't because Krivanek can't handle altitude. Bummer. So we stopped after climbing about twenty-five-hundred feet, which isn't meager since we climbed fifteen-hundred additional feet earlier in the day. It's a good thing the climbs in Nevada only go to about eight-thousand.

I think the altitude is getting to my head. Why did I just drink coffee at 5 pm in ninety degree weather?

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